Showing all 7 results

I Learned a New Word Today … Genocide


Javier Mendoza has learned a new word and he doesn’t like it. As his fifth grade class explores the shocking history of genocide, Javier realizes that the past, and even the present, is telling him a story that he can’t ignore.

Robots and Dinosaurs


It’s the year 4173. Humans mastered space travel a long time ago and  left Earth to find greener pastures on faraway planets.

The Boy Who Wanted to Marry His Dog


The book consists of three interconnected stories. They stand for the importance of self-acceptance, quest for knowledge, love and determination.

The Last Station Master: A Boy, a Terrorist, a Secret, and Trouble


Nate  must unravel the clues around him and use what he learns about the  farm, the Underground Railroad.

The Screaming Tunnel


The new English as a second language (ESL) students at St. Mary’s High  School do share  the excitement of being in a new country as well as their underlying feelings of  loneliness and isolation.

The Secret Life of Teenagers: Confessions of a High School Counselor


The Secret Life of Teenagers,  Calvin White, a high school counselor of more than twenty years, shares  those inner, hidden lives.

The Secrets to University: From a Student’s Experience


Get the secrets to success, from someone who knows – a University student!