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NOCES Á CANAAN (Wedding in Canaan) is the astounding story of two middle-eastern families: one is Palestinian and the other Israeli.



Author: Richard Rossin

ISBN: 978-0-9811606-3-4

Dimension: 5.5 x 8.5″

Number of Pages: 97

Synopsis: NOCES Á CANAAN (Wedding in Canaan) is the astounding story of two middle-eastern families: one is Palestinian and the other Israeli. A young Israeli woman is preparing for her upcoming wedding, she’s happy and light hearted. Her emergency physician father has just returned from one of the many international congresses that he attends, to share her lifelong dream. The other main character is a young Palestinian man who also dreams of a peaceful future.

But the unfolding madness of the regional history ruins their youthful aspirations by turning them into a bloodbath. This story is inspired by true facts and this devastating course of events could happen to any citizen of the free world.


Deux familles, l’une est palestinienne, l’autre israélienne. Une jeune femme prépare son mariage… bonheur et insouciance. Son père, médecin urgentiste habitué des congrès internationaux, l’accompagne dans son rêve. Un jeune homme palestinien rêve lui aussi de paix.

Mais la folie des hommes se déchaine sur la jeunesse, le rêve et la paix.

Cette histoire est basée sur des faits réels et ce livre choc pourrait bien être l’histoire de n’importe quel citoyen du monde libre…


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